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I’ve decided to call it quits. This blog is a goner for the following reasons:

  • two blogs is too many to update from separate accounts.
  • I don’t always think in lists. Sometimes, but not always.

I think that’s it. Simple. To the point. The end.

If, by some miracle, you read this blog but not my regular one, check it (and  all my linear thoughts of tonight) out here.

Actual final thought: I may move over to wordpress from blogspot with my other blog. We shall see.

Saturday highlight: flying back to Vancouver after 3 months away.

Saturday lowlight: missing my nephew’s second birthday party.

Sunday highlight: going to my church after 3 months away & seeing friends there.

Sunday lowlight: I don’t think there was one…

Monday highlight: seeing Gene Simmon’s partner, Shannon Tweed at the airport.

Monday lowlight: having to say goodbye to my best-Vancouver friend at the airport.

Tuesday highlight: Dinner with friends, and massage therapy after 3 months away.

Tuesday lowlight: massage therapy after 3 months away.

Wednesday highlight: Gelato with a friend: 218 flavours always amazes me!

Wednesday lowlight: trying to work.

Thursday highlight: everything: coffee, button making, the beach, Granville Island, the beach again…

Thursday lowlight: work (what’s that?).

Friday highlight: it’s hard to know, but I’m guessing it will be playing soccer.  Or hanging out with more of my friends.

Friday lowlight: slight sunburn from Thursday.

  1. That I have this blog (six weeks of intermittent internet access will do that to you).
  2. The amount of effort, intellectually & emotionally to get back into the  (blogging) groove after an extended break.
  3. What the Ontario humidity does to my hair. None of it good.
  4. How much I enjoy thunderstorms (ironically, I used to be petrified of them).
  5. The way that depression wreaks havoc with my friend’s heart.
  6. How much difficulty I have concentrating when working at home.
  7. That I love So You Think You Can Dance.
  • reading blogs
  • writing blogs
  • cleaning
  • watching old episodes of TV series I really like: Law & Order, So You Think You Can Dance, America’s Best Dance Crew, etc
  • sleeping

I don’t actually have time to procrastinate these days. That’s why I’m not blogging much…

  • bugs that bite
  • the dark
  • extreme political stances
  • animals that have escaped from the zoo
  • rollercoasters
  • traveling alone
  • being tickled
  • my own lack of discipline

I feel a little crazy-anxious today. Reasons include:

  • My computer hates me. It doesn’t connect to the internet, it freezes.
  • I spent too much time in transit.
  • I have been “working” but not “accomplishing.”
  • My as-of-yet undiagnosed upper right quadrant pain & figuring out when I can fast for 10 hours and then get blood work done.
  • The swollen upper-right spot at the back of my throat. (speaking of upper-right pain)
  • I cannot schedule a time for a weekly meeting. It is apparently impossible for seven of us to meet for one hour. ONE HOUR.
  • I’m still having trouble waking up in the morning. Can I blame the weather? It is dark before 5pm.
  • I need to take my car in. Since “the snow” there is something dangling a bit too low for comfort.
  • Speaking of my car, I need to find out the status on my accident from November, and whether the injury claim has been substantiated.

In Canada, I think Boxing Day is a bit like Black Friday. My day has been a bit different than I thought it would be:

9am – wake up and notice that it is snowing.

9:15am – wake up again, call my brother, S., because he had to work yesterday.

9:16am – leave a message for S., who doesn’t answer the phone.

9:17am – lie in bed again.

9:45am – get up.

9:50am – stretch for exactly 8 minutes.

9:58am -flip the TV on.

10:00am – watch pointless TV, because it is about the 90s. I remember the 90s with fondness and a brief shudder.

10:45am – decide to clean the house before I shower.

10:46am – vaccuum the living room rug.

10:55am – sweep the main floor.

11:15am – collect the garbage.

11:18am – decide I should shovel the path to the garbage in the back lane.

11:20am – outside, in my pyjamas and shoes, shovelling.

11:40am – deposit garbage in bin, after clearing 18 inches of snow from the lid.

11:41am – decide to shovel the path to the front of the house too.

11:55am – finish shovelling the half of the stairs that are clear.

11:56am – back inside, roll up my wet pantlegs, notice that my hand is bleeding a little.

11:59am – decide to clean the bathroom surfaces before showering.

12:10pm – finally showertime.

12:11pm – decide to soak in the bath first.

12:17pm – getting into tub.

12:18pm – reading in tub.

12:40pm – showering and getting out of tub.

12:45pm – notice the tap is dripping still.

12:47pm – can’t turn the tap off…so I go get dressed.

12:55pm – still can’t turn the tap off. I put a bucket under and decide to watch it.

1:15pm – hm. hot water collecting. I google “how to fix a leaky faucet.”

1:17pm – general consensus is that I need to turn the hot water off first.

1:19pm – move the guys’ kitchen shelves to access the hot water tank. I follow the hot water pipe all the way along the ceiling and into K’s room. No place to turn it off.

1:29pm – look everywhere I can think of. Nowhere to turn it off. Reread googled instructions…definitely need to turn hot water off first.

1:32pm – fret about wasting hot water and the bill that we will get.

1:38pm – email D, who is on his way back to town. Ask for our fix-it guy’s number.

1:48pm – jiggle the tap some more. COME ON, turn off!

1:58pm – text D to ask for number.

2:01pm – D calls and gives me the fix-it guy’s number.

2:05pm – I call fix-it guy. He is going to a family gathering soon and the roads are treacherous…the valve to turn it off should be in the closet just outside the bathroom.

2:08pm – I empty the closet in search of the valve. No valves. No pipes. I wonder if he meant the cupboards, and I check in them too. Nothing.

2:30pm – I call the fix-it guy again. He will see what he can do after his family shindig. I decide to find a creative solution for my ripped lampshade, using materials found in my closet raiding.

2:38pm – D arrives home. He has adventures from the roads.

2:45pm – D checks out leaking faucet. I go back to my lampshade.

2:50pm – D does stuff and looks around for a solution. This includes pulling out the drawers UNDER the cupboards where I previously looked. Pipes, check. Valves – no check.

3:10pm – It is worse. And I don’t like the lampshade.

3:20pm -I do dishes using the hot water that is collecting in our bathroom.

3:30pm – D and I ask what we should do? D doesn’t like messing with plumbing (or auto mechanics, apparently these are the two things that should be left to the pros) and calls fix-it guy again.

3:40pm – D on the phone with fix-it guy. Trying to find the valve.

3:45pm – fix-it guy is going to come later. D has turned down the hot water.

3:50pm – it sounds like someone is running a bath. I write this blog. It has recently stopped snowing.

4pm – Arrested Development Season 2 begins.

4:10pm – snowing again.

4:25pm – fix-it guy is en route.

4:50pm – fix-it guy arrives.

5:20pm – fix-it guy is done. All fixed. Back to TV.

5:30pm – Arrested Development.

6pm – The IT Crowd.

7pm – Law & Order.

In my case, it was more of a dental hygeniest and less of the dentist. Regardless, my appointment went as follows:

  • Came in. Remembered how much I dislike the smell of the dentist.
  • Do I have any problems or heath changes? No…but I do find myself clenching my jaw a lot.
  • Teeth cleaning.
  • Do I floss regularly? No…I’ve not been really good about it lately.
  • I need to do it daily. Or come in more than once a year.
  • Jaw pain. Having trouble keeping it open…
  • More teeth cleaning.
  • Dentist visit. Counts my teeth (yes, they’re all there…)
  • Hygienist comments on “TMJ on the right side.”
  • Do I grind? No, just clench…
  • Do I feel stressed? Yes, but no more than average.
  • Solution:
  1. Don’t open my mouth wider than necessary.
  2. Try not to yawn.
  3. Eat big sandwiches with a fork and knife.
  4. Don’t move my jaw from side to side.
  5. Don’t bite threads.
  6. Take muscle relaxants – samples enough to keep me dopey for three days.
  • The end.

Conclusion: Floss. Rest my jaw (I know, that one will open the door for lots of comments…). Take drugs.

a) I love that song (and most other music by The Killers)

b) It makes me think of being positive. So I am going to reflect on and then celebrate all the goodness of this past weekend. Which was plenteous. And will help offset the negative things which are so much easier to remember.


  • I finished work with a positive & encouraging meeting.
  • I called my mom on the way home to wish her Happy Birthday.
  • I heard about some friends’ engagement.
  • I had supper made for me.
  • I got to wear 80s clothing.
  • My housemates and I went to a party (almost) all together.
  • I laughed. I sang. I danced.  I stole things. (Ok, I clearly didn’t do the last one. That is another music allusion.)
  • I drove in a car with Wendy and it was fun.


  • I hung out with my brother.
  • I conquered Metrotown.
  • I helped him buy good clothing.
  • I got massage therapy.
  • I hung out with newly engaged friends.
  • I watched Arrested Development on my bed. And laughed.
  • I had a slumber party with two of my favourite people.
  • I got an hour of grace for staying up until 3:30am. (Hurrah time change!)


  • I had a friend come to church with me.
  • I got to drive in the rain (as opposed to taking the bus).
  • I was reminded of God’s goodness.
  • I had an amazing cuddle & conversation with Wendy. We talked about real stuff.
  • I didn’t have to make my lunch.
  • I slept for a long time.
  • I talked on the phone to another favourite friend (Jens in my life are great).
  • I had a pow-wow with the housemates. All six of them.
  • I did laundry.
  • I ate breakfast at supper.
  • I accomplished tasks on my “to-do list” for the day.
  • I blogged.
  • I wrote (well, I will in about 5 minutes).
  • I have great hair.

On Friday, I had a bus conversation with a friend. We talked about Coldplay and established that:

  • we both like the Violet Hill track (although there is one she likes better but couldn’t remember the name of)
  • Viva La Vida is a great album
  • Coldplay has some sweet skills

But then on Saturday, I watched them perform on SNL and thought:

  • Is Chris Martin on drugs? It’s like he has energy exploding out of his body.
  • Why is he playing an acoustic guitar for Yellow? I can’t even pick it out…all I hear are the electrics.
  • “Barack Obama!” ?? How is that relevant to anything? You’re not even American…

Clearly, I was less than impressed. Chris Martin lost a bit of my respect. But I like the music. Stellar Music. Unhinged Musician. Music. Musician…so do I buy the album or not?